Caersalem newydd dinas Ner

Caersalem newydd, dinas Ner,
Bar'tow'd i'r saint tu draw i'r ser;
  Adeilad pur o aur digoll,
  Fel gwydr gloew'n ddysglaer oll.

Ei theg rodfeydd a'i ph'lasau fry,
A'i thyrau cryf yn hyfryd sy;
  Pob rhan o honi cyflawn yw
  O sanctaidd bresenoldeb Duw.

Ei huchel furiau wnawd i gyd
O feini iaspis hardd a drud;
  Ei phyrth o berl, ryfedd waith!
  Aur yn palmento ei h'olydd maith.

'Does iddi deml o un rhyw,
Can's Duw a'r Oen ei theml yw;
  O'i mewn y saint yn eglur sydd
  Yn gwel'd ei wyneb nos a dydd.

Na haul, na lloer,
    na ser, nis cawn,
Gogoniant Duw sydd ynddi'n llawn;
  Yr Oen fu â'i waed
      yn lli i'r llawr,
  Sydd yn dysgleirio'r ddinas fawr.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Cod f'enaid gwan yn fuan gwêl

New Jerusalem, the city of the Lord,
Prepared for the saints beyond the stars;
  A pure building of unfailing gold,
  Like shining glass all radiant.

Her fair avenues and her palaces above,
With her strong towers is delightful;
  Every part of her is righteous
  From the holy presence of God.

Her high walls are all made
Of beautiful and costly jasper stones;
  Her gates of pearl, wonderful work!
  Gold paving her vast streets.

There is no temple of any kind in her,
Since God and the Lamb are her temple;
  Within her the saints are clearly
  Seeing his face night and day.

Neither sun, nor moon,
    nor stars shall we have,
The glory of God is in her fully;
  The Lamb whose blood
      flooded to the ground,
  Is illuminating the big city.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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